Illumination Works uses machine learning to automate self-healing of data to improve data-driven mission planning, scheduling, and outcomes
Kystone™ Information Quality
- Leverages natural language processing, supervised and unsupervised machine learning, and statistical learning
- Information dominance with trusted, reliable intelligence
- Automated, domain-informed data cleansing
- Improves quality at point of entry or point of analytics
- Provides error detection and error correction
- Identifies and heals data of errors in an automated way
Our data experts synergistically leverage four Kystone™ Accelerators – Quality, NLP, Analytics, and Visualize – to customize an information quality solution specific to your data and unique requirements

Recent Successes
- Corrected errors by extracting information from accurate text fields and correcting errors in coded fields using NLP coupled with supervised and unsupervised ML models
- Modeled conditional relationships between variables to infer erroneous data and predict most likely correct information
- Built explanation component to provide end users with human understandable reasoning for predicted error correction (helps with end-user buy-in)
Start Your Information Quality Journey
Speak with one of our experts to learn more about how our Kystone™ Solutions can help you get meaning out of your data faster