Computer Vision

Visual intelligence for a smarter future

Illumination Works provides expertise in image processing and AI/ML modeling for object detection, object recognition, and object tracking

  • Extract meaningful information from images
  • Identify and extract similar images, objects, and features through image queries
  • Automatically detect, recognize, and track targets in images and videos
  • Implement continuous model enhancements and incorporate human-in-the-loop validation

Leverage advanced image analysis and interpretation methods to offer innovative solutions to complex 2D and 3D visual problems

Image Acquisition

Develop queryable image repositories mapped by related features to enable efficient retrieval and exploration of data

Image Pre-Processing

Optimize and enhance image inputs to meet downstream use cases including machine learning model training

Image Pre-Processing

Optimize and enhance image inputs to meet downstream use cases including machine learning model training

2D & 3D Object Detection, Recognition & Tracking

Automatically detect and identify objects in any environment with advanced unsupervised, self-supervised, and fully supervised methods for videos and various image types

Feature Extraction & Engineering

Extract dimension-specific properties from images and videos to create spatial objects and models

Feature Extraction & Engineering

Extract dimension-specific properties from images and videos to create spatial objects and models

NLP Adjacent Vision Processes & Models

Pull text from images or scanned documents using models trained on text and language to make data available for downstream analyses and insight generation

3D Object Modeling

Reconstruct 3D images and objects from 2D images leveraging a variety of tools and techniques

3D Object Modeling

Reconstruct 3D images and objects from 2D images leveraging a variety of tools and techniques

Case by Case, Frame by Frame: Unveiling Computer Vision’s Impact

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