Extracting Tabular Data from Native PDF
This session is for those folks who are interested in how to extract tabular data from native PDF in 5 easy to understand steps
Time: 13:19
Source Files: Source files and sample PDF from this session are available in our GitHub environment at: https://github.com/ilwllc/Text-Extract-From-PDF

Presenter: Srini is a Senior Data Scientist and the Natural Language Processing (NLP) Center of Excellence Lead at Illumination Works. His area of expertise is creating solutions to answer business questions and solve problems utilizing NLP-based algorithms and techniques in conjunction with clustering and classifications algorithms. His background is in developing predictive and analytical models that are used to translate findings into actionable items and has experience managing multidisciplinary projects in diverse fields such as renewable energy, commodity trading, online retail, and travel and transport, and Department of Defense.
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