Engines Forecast Reporting Tool
Customer Challenge
USAF logistics personnel are using a 20+ year old, inflexible, difficult to maintain desktop tool to create forecasts for aircraft engines in their inventory.
Innovative Solution
Illumination Works is developing a platform to provide these users the ability to build their own forecasts easily. This tool, running in Azure, eliminates the need to have separate copies of the application installed on each user’s workstation.
- Demonstrate key data integration in and out of Microsoft Azure Government Region
- Leverage F-35 as an example of how to refactor
an existing GCSS-AF Data Services capability (UIDES) to the desired target cloud PaaS/IaaS - Consume ALIS SOAP messages while exposing restful services configured in a Data Integration Hub architecture
- Microsoft Azure (Cloud Offering)
- Application Gateway
- Micro-Services
- REST Web Services
- Azure Data Storage Tables
- Storage Blobs
- Azure Files
- Azure SQL Database
- Azure Data Factory
- Azure SSIS Implementation