Hot off the Press!
Read our latest thought article on Navigating the Maze of AI Cyber Risks! Browse article
Illumination Works is excited to announce the winners of our 2024 Employee Awards! Read article
Check out the launch of our Computer Vision Center of Excellence! Learn more
Illumination Works is a trusted technology partner in data innovation, solving complex data challenges and delivering impactful business results
We help our customers optimize the value of their data through modern technologies and advanced analytics for better business outcomes and decision making
Thought Leadership
Cool Tech: Leveraging Industrial IoT to Identify Environmental Issues as They Occur
Illumination Works (ILW) recently conducted a live webinar featuring industrial internet of things (IIoT). The focus was our recent Innovation Lab project leveraging PTC ThingWorx to ensure environmental safety and correct air and water conditions/quality during...
Cool Tech: Leveraging the Power of AR for Pre-Flight Inspections for Consistent, Streamlined Safety Measures
Illumination Works (ILW) recently conducted a live webinar featuring augmented reality (AR) and internet of things (IoT) software to perform pre-flight helicopter inspections. Imagine you’re a new Army helicopter pilot. Wouldn’t it be great to simply point your iPad...
Cool Tech: Why PaaS Might be the Right Cloud Service Model for Your Organization
The best “as a service” approach depends on your infrastructure, the number of IT resources you have, the budget you can afford, the complexity of your systems, and your security requirements.The most common cloud service models are information as a service (IaaS) and...
Company News
Spotlight: Congratulations to our 2023 Employee Award Winners!
At the end of January, we invited our employees to nominate their peers for the 2023 Employee Awards. The Innovation, Integrity, and Most Valuable Consultant award categories had many peer nominations – all deserving and all very appreciated! Rising Star and Brightest...
Illumination Works Government Division Wins Direct to Phase II Air Force SBIR for Automated Acquisition Milestone Documentation
Illumination Works (ILW) is proud to announce the award of an Air Force Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Direct to Phase II (D2P2) contract to build upon ILW’s existing innovations to develop a holistic solution, Odin-Acquisition Milestone Documentation...
Illumination Works Government Division Wins Phase I Army SBIR for AI-Driven Data Labeling and Curation for the Intelligence Community
Illumination Works (ILW) is proud to announce the award of an Army Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase I contract to offer artificial intelligence (AI) automation to transform data labeling and curation for the Intelligence Community through machine...