Data Science & Architecture Assessment

Customer Challenge

A leading global provider of prediction market intelligence and analytics needed to evaluate their market and competitive intelligence platform to determine opportunities to improve end-user experience and system performance.

Innovative Solution

Illumination Works reviewed the current state of the company’s data science capability and software architecture through a series of interviews, code and system walkthroughs, and review of software packages and databases.


  • Presented recommendations to increase end-user trust improving quality and relevancy of content. These recommendations would improve identification of missing articles, reduce tagging errors, and duplicate content
  • Additional recommendations included to upgrade the software suite, establish a robust Data Science practice, and engage technical experts to accelerate the remediation process and stabilize the platform for planned growth

Business Value

  • Delivered recommendations for software and infrastructure investments to support data science platform
  • Identified value/risk for investments that best align with business goals including attracting new and retaining existing clients
  • Presented action plan and level of effort to close the gap from current to future state  


  • SaaS product to aggregate and integrate structured/unstructured data
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipeline to process news articles
  • Machine Learning algorithms

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